Griff wrecked on a 4-wheeler today and broke his arm. I really don't think this is surprising anymore, more like un-freaking-believable. We were on our way to the Dr and I asked him if he saw any rattle snakes. I would have hated him to wreck into a big pile of them or something. The following conversation ensued:
Me: Grandpa tells you about not messing with snakes out there, right?
Griff: Ya
Me: So you know not to touch them or try to catch them or whatever, right?
Griff: We caught a blow snake today.
Me: ((SIGH)) Ok, well don't touch snakes out there, especially if you're alone because its a long way away from a hospital or something if you get bit.
Griff: I could just suck out the venom, probably.
Me: (Pointing to his upper thigh) You couldn't suck it out if it bit you right there!
Blake: What if it bit you in the nuts? Good luck getting anybody to suck your nuts!
Blake......Always a thinker.