Monday, September 17, 2012

We Are Farmers

When we got back from vacay, our garden had mass produced everything!  Holy freakin carrots!  We have frozen carrots and zucchini.  We have had lots of beans.  We have made 8 quarts of spaghetti sauce that is the bomb!  We also have 6 quarts and 30 pints of salsa.  Hopefully, that will keep Griffen out of everyones salsa for a while.
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Please!!!! Let This Be The Last Thing......and Somebody Needs To Get Hooked On Phonics

Griff had surgery on his ankle at the University on August 28.  The first day of school.  I hope this is the last stop for this foot.  If not, we will just cut it off.  Ha! JK He didn't have any pain at all and said it felt pretty good, so fingers crossed!  Griff missed 3 days for the surgery and will miss a couple more for follow up appointments.  Normally, I wouldn't care.  But then this happened.


Griff: Will you make develed eggs
Me- ya
M-IF you spell it right
M-and pass off a paragraph in FFA
G-I did
Me-Pass it off?
Me-Yea boi! Now spell what you want me to make the right way :)
Me-No snacky for you if you don't spell it right
G-Your makin me mad
Me-Spell it right then
Me-Whos a smart boy?? Good job!
G-I googled it

Somebody needs all the help he can get.

The HAPPIEST Place On Earth

 "Here You Leave Today And Enter The World Of Yesterday, Tomorrow, And Fantasy"

Yay!  Disneyland!  We have such a blast whenever we come here.  I think it gets funner every time.  Is funner a word?  Top left is in front of It's a Small World.  Longest ride ever!  The ones with me and each cute boy are at Pirates of the Caribbean and the one of all three of us is on Peter Pan.  Arguably the best ride in the park!  At least in Fantasy Land, for sure. 

From top left, It's a Small World, Storybook Ride, Mr Toads Wild Ride, Haunted Mansion (the ghost sat right on Blake's lap on the way out!), Pirates, Indiana Jones, with their sugar cookies, Mickey and Lightning McQueen, Star Tours, and Astro Blasters.  Griff won us at this one too!

Pinnochio's Adventure, when I was taking the picture, Blake wanted it to look like he had his arm around Pinnochio.  Davy Crockett's Explorer Canoe Ride, Jungle Cruise and waiting in line at Nemo.  While we wait in line we play the hand slapping game and people watch.  And talk about how much fun the last ride was and how this ride will be even better!

Blake driving on Mr. Toads Wild Ride.  That is his favorite ride.  He has loved it since he was little.  He got the front seat on Splash Mountain.  I felt kinda mean, he was so scared, but it was good for him.  He survived!  He liked the ducks in the river on the canoe ride.  The last picture is in Tarzan's Treehouse.

Griff after Splash Mountain, watching the parade, and getting geared up for Space Mountain.  He loves coming here.  When we got the pictures back he said it hurt his sunburn to smile, but he couldn't help it.

Blake brought home a Nemo.  That was his favorite movie when he was around 2.  He is so cute on the Nemo ride.  He totally zones out and soaks in every second.

Griff brought home Pascal from Rapunzel.  His current Disney fave.  He loved Star Tours and Space Mountain.  The lines were pretty short and the temperature was perfect.  Best Day Ever!
I dropped my camera at California Adventure and it broke.  The lens wouldn't come out.  We had to buy disposable cameras.  Blake didn't get where the pictures were or why we couldn't waste them, or why he couldn't see them after they were taken.  He is a digital baby.  He thought it was the coolest to take pictures with those cameras.  He even thought they were getting heavier because of all the pictures we were taking.
I am so glad we can go on vacations like this! 
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California Adventure

Cars Land!  It was awesome!  It looked just like Radiator Springs in the movie.  We had to wait over an hour to go on one ride there, but it was totally worth it.  Radiator Springs Racers.  And look at my freakin face in that picutre.  Seriously?  WTF?  I look like the biggest freakin Moon Face Fatty in every picture that gets taken when I'm on a ride.  Nobody else looks like that.  Seriously?  WTF?  The rides in Cars land were fun.  Long lines, but way fun.  We went on Ariels Undersea Adventure for the first time, and it was so freakin cute!  They had it last year, but the line was way too long.  We saw "It's a Bugs Life", went on the swings to cool off, and had corn dogs for lunch.  We went to World of Color at night and it is amazing!  It seriously almost makes me cry.  Who am I kidding?  It does make me cry!  I love it!

From the top left, Toy Story Mania, Hollywood Tower Hotel, (again, my freakin face), in front of the bear rock waterfall, me and the boys at Goofy's Flight School.  Griffen kicked everyone's butt at Toy Story Mania.  He had such a bad sunburn, he needed a hat, and that's the one he picked.  He says he likes Disneyland more, becuase it's more about Disney.  Makes sense to me! 

Blake's favorite rides here are California Screamin and Soarin Over California.  He and I went on Grizzly River Rapids and got soaked!  Here they are at the Brother Bear park.  We had our spirit animals told to us.  Griff-Beaver, Blake-Wolf, Me-Salmon.  I love my ears!  I want to wear them all the time!
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Beach Bums

I want to live by the beach.  And not work.  Or have any other silly responsibilities.  Everyone loves it.  Boogie boarding, digging in the sand, floating on the Magic Waves.  We saw dolphins and seals.  The seal was so cute!  Nothing beats a day at the beach.

Griff loves it.  From the minute we get there to the minute we leave, he hardly gets out of the ocean.  Not even to eat.  And that's saying something.  We got some hand flipper glove thingys and he was a body surfing champ.  We saw some grandma ladies coming out on little blow up floaties and Griff thought they were going to get owned for sure by the waves, but they rode those babies all the way in like pros!  We named them the Boogie Boarding Grannies.  They were there almost every day.

The picture on the top left is Blake trying to catch a bird.  He likes digging and making things in the sand.  This year he played in the ocean quite a bit.  He got hit in the face once with a boogie board and got a little bloody nose.  I didn't think it was possible to get out of the ocean so fast.  He thought he was shark bait for sure.  Whenever it got to be dusk, he made sure we were all hurrying to get out, because "it's feeding time!"  Probably not the best idea to watch Shark Week the week before vacation!
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Anderson Family Picture Day!

This is Everybody!  What a good lookin group!

Individual Families

Some of the Jensen's
I 'warmified' the ones of Ben and I.  I don't know how much I like how she edits them.  It makes everyone look so white.  I haven't been tanning all summer just for my brown-ness to be whitened out!

They LOVE each other!

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