Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Boy Made of Glass

Griff wrecked on a 4-wheeler today and broke his arm.  I really don't think this is surprising anymore, more like un-freaking-believable.  We were on our way to the Dr and I asked him if he saw any rattle snakes.  I would have hated him to wreck into a big pile of them or something.  The following conversation ensued:

Me:  Grandpa tells you about not messing with snakes out there, right?
Griff:  Ya
Me:  So you know not to touch them or try to catch them or whatever, right?
Griff:  We caught a blow snake today.
Me:  ((SIGH))  Ok, well don't touch snakes out there, especially if you're alone because its a long way away from a hospital or something if you get bit.
Griff:  I could just suck out the venom, probably.
Me:  (Pointing to his upper thigh)  You couldn't suck it out if it bit you right there!
Blake:  What if it bit you in the nuts?  Good luck getting anybody to suck your nuts!

Blake......Always a thinker.
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Monday, May 14, 2012

Beehive Mile

Blake ran the Beehive mile in 10 minutes and 40 seconds.  We have been training for a couple of weeks and he did great!  Way to go Blake!
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Branding Festival

Ahhh......the Branding Festival.  A Friday and Saturday filled with 'annoying' (as Caleb would say) mooing cows, the smell of smoking cow hide, food, and, if you're lucky,
you'll even get a nut or two tossed your way.

Blake was the bravest he has ever been.  He hearded a little with Kim, learned how to shut gates, worked the shocker (his favorite) and helped skin a calf. (It was already dead, don't worry.)

Griff was the pusher this year.  It's the lowest point on the totem pole.  I have a feeling he will be in this position for a while.  He worked hard and loved it.  He took a pretty good kick to the juevos, but it's all part of the fun. ;)

THE HAT was only thrown once, so things went great!
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Have you ever been THIS sleepy?
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